Saving Our Urban Forest
Nearly 3,000 trees have been removed from Milwaukee County Parks within the last 10 years due to infection, infestation and weather conditions. More than 80 trees have been removed from Humboldt park alone.
In 2019, The Humboldt Park Friends, the neighborhood non-profit focused on park preservation, began the aggressive 100 For Humboldt fundraising campaign to build awareness and raise funds to fund the purchase and planting of 100 new trees in Humboldt Park.
We are thrilled to announce that we have achieved our goal of raising enough money for 100 trees for Humboldt Park!
As of fall 2022, we have planted 50 new trees, and working in cooperation with the Milwaukee County Forestry Department, we plan on getting the remaining 50 trees planted within the next 2 years!
We are so thankful to everyone who donated to the 100 For Humboldt tree planting program. During the 2022 Thanksgiving Holiday, we will celebrate the program’s success by tying bows on the 50 new trees that have been planted so far. We hope you all have an opportunity to walk through Humboldt park this Thanksgiving to celebrate the trees we will all enjoy for many years to come.
We want to thank the 154 individual donors, the people involved in the Bocce Tournament fundraiser, raffles and Deanopalooza 2021 (in honor of Dean LaGrow.)
Thanks also to Boy Scout Troop 108, Myron Thomsen, Jane LeCaptaine and Laureen and David Stirmel, who watered the first group of trees during a month of drought, ensuring the trees’ survival.
Scroll down the page to see the acknowledgment for all the donors and to see an interactive map showing where the new trees have been planted.
Thank you to all!
The Humboldt Park Friends Board

Our Donors
updated 11/21/22

Deanopalooza 2021 

On October 2nd, 2021, friends in the community came together to celebrate the life of Dean LaGrow. In his honor, many friends and family contributed to the Hundred for Humboldt campaign by donating new trees at Humboldt Park. Thank you to Lori LaGrow for organizing the event and for her involvement with Humboldt Park Friends.
A Whole Tree
Bay View Tennis Club
BV Commune
The Benes Family
Cheryl Bennet
Ruth Boulet
Jonathan Burseth
In loving memory of Emma Jean
Sarah Brauhn
Sandra Brayton and Laura Eucalano
Rita Buczynska
Robert Bueno
The Catral Family
In loving memory of Antonio Catral
who loved to walk in the park
Dave Cheyne
and Rachel Kuhl
Frank Colder & Allie Messer
Brandon Condon
Barbara Coyle and Jill Lestarge
In honor of Milwaukee Quakers
Colton Crawford
Nancy Cocking
Gary & Sherry Dahms
Carrie Murphy and Matt Daniels
Joanna Demas and Jay Burseth
In loving memory of Emma Jean
Isral DeBruin
The Distancers
Dave Drobnik
Dena Durkin
Jeremy Fojut
Mary Jo Glaspey
The George-Fecteau Family
Colin Harbecke
Emily Hein
The Hochkammer Family
The Hoeschen Family
Aubrey Jannene
Joyce family
Lynnea Katz-Petted
In honor of Dean LaGrow
Sylvia Krug
Konrad Kuchenbach
In memory of John E. Holland
Debra Kuchler
In memory of Tom Young
Kim Listermann
Alicia Lugauer
Stephen Lucia
In memory of William Lucia
Donald Lukaszewicz
Desiree, Michael, Gus
and Myles Pointer Mace
Ed Miller
In memory of Chad Powell
Rachel Driscoll
Thomas and Merci Duffy
Susan Engstrom
Sharron Fitak
Isabel Franco and Friends
Girls Lemonade Stand at Bocce Benefit
Todd and Nikki Generotzke
In honor of Dean LaGrow
Chris & Amanda Goers
In memory of Martin Straube
Lori Highby
Sarah F. Jonas
in memory of Teresa Jonas
Dan Keto
Lynn Krenn
In honor of The Heil Family
Debra Kuchler
in memory of Teresa Jonas
Sylvia Krug
Jamie & Kevin Krutsch
Daniel, Sara, Lydia
and Mathias LaFrenz
Dean and Lori LaGrow
Lori LaGrow
In memory of Dean LaGrow
Jill LaSalle
Stephanie Lapre
Jane LeCapitaine
Kim Listermann
Anthony Linn
James and Linda Lubner
Stephen Lucia
In memory of William Lucia
Donald Lukaszewicz
The Marino Family
Lars Mittmann, Theresa Acherman
and their dog Norman
John McCaw and John Mendenhall
Tom & Paula Mozoski
Bill and Lois O’Brien
Ray Odya
Ryan Rediske and Sara Wong
Mary O’Donnell
Mark Paschal
The Pipkins Family
Mary & Bill Powell
In memory of Chad & Ron Powell
Mary Remondini
In memory of my parents Robert & Marion Eckert
The Rosenau Family
In Memory of our Mom and Grandma, Aggie Rosenau, who loved taking her granddaughters for walks in Humboldt Park.
Dawn Sanders
Market Bags for Humboldt
Hot Pads for Humboldt
Luke and Bri Salmon
Cathie Schanz
In memory of my mom, Judy Merola, who allowed us to explore and grow in the beautiful parks of Milwaukee County
Justin and Hannah Selendic
The Spellecy Family
In memory of Max Spellecy
Sugar Maple
Myron and Linda Thomsen
In loving memory of their son John who played in the park as a child.
Carrie Vallejo
Jim Werwath
Kathleen Williams
Walt, Sarah and Wilde Ziesmer
Half a Tree
Chubb Insurance
Valerie Fosbinder
Jacqueline Gregor
MaryBeth Gyulay
Emily Hendersen
Jay Iverson
Kraig Maduscha
Thanks to the great people on Bay View Town Hall
Christa Marlowe
The Navidad Family
Paula Pergl
Michael, Christine, Hayden, and Norah Poser
Walter Przbylowski
in memory of Teresa Jonas
1/4 of a Tree
LeeAnne Brzenk Nelson
In memory of Dave Nelson & Marie Brzenk
Heather Crane
Douglas Carpiaux
Elisa Coghlan
Carolyn Fons
The Grandbois family
Jenelle Hilbert
Virginia Ishaq
Jill Jodar
Erika Joslin
Lacy Knoelke
Matt and Jenny Mendelhall
Michelle Prosek
Sharon Shell
Matthew Snyder
Michael Smith
Kelly Stochnik
Noel Tylla
Michael Timm
Ward Group LLC
Matthew Warner
1/8 of aTree
Jonathan Allen
Mary Beaudry
Victoria Bond
Mike Bubolz
David Cannon
Charlene Chausis
Jerry Christenson
Dena Constantineau
Mary Cywinski
Alexis Dahmer
Jens Duschak
Coral Ehnert
Amber Gallun
Allen Hutzell
Karen Johnson
Amy Joyce
Andrew Kozek
Jan & John Liebenstein
In memory of Peter Michaud
Roxane Mayeur
Rebecca McHugh
Margaret Peters
Julie Ragland
Rebecca Reindl
Kerry Ritterbusch
Rachel Schramm
Mary Stanley
In memory of Mary Bartness
Kim Struck
Chris and Rachel Scannell
Rhonda Waller
Brienne Williams
Amy Witkowski
Any amount helps!
Ruth Boulet
The Catral Family
Stacy Davis
Allysa Defatte
Victoria DeVore
Mary Drew
Sharon Felber
Amy Kerley
Bernie’s Mittens
Darcie Muckler
Kelsey Nugent
Maggie Balistreri-Clarke
In memory of Chad and Ron Powell
Melissa Jack
Beth Rix
Patricia Beyer Robinson
In memory of Theresa Jonas
Alyssa Steeno
Lisa Tachka
Carol Voss
Dan Weiss
Steven Westenkirchner
Troy Wohlt

Bocce Benefit kicks off 100 for Humboldt Campaign
The 8th Annual Bocce Benefit Tournament presented by Toni Spott and the Humboldt Park Friends officially kicked off the Hundred for Humboldt campaign on Saturday, August 10, 2019. Supporting 100 for Humboldt to replace trees in Humboldt Park that had been lost due to the Emerald Ash Borer, disease, and storm damage. We have lost over 80 trees in that year alone.
The family-friendly tournament featured 16 teams in a double-elimination bracket vying for a chance to win their share of $900 in prizes.
There was music provided by Rushmor Records and drinks aplenty, with ultra-rare beer brewed by Bay View’s own 1840 Brewing Company.