Join Our Effort
Join Humboldt Park Friends
Membership in Humboldt Park Friends enables you to vote for board leadership, support administrative costs, and help support our mission. Annual support membership is $10.
You can download the membership application here:
Please mail membership application and $10 check made out to Park People of Milwaukee to:
The Park People of Milwaukee County Inc.
Humboldt Park Friends Membership
10300 W.Wisconsin Ave
Wauwatosa, WI 53226
You do not have to be a member of Humboldt Park Friends to volunteer. There are numerous ways you can volunteer to support our events and programing.
Businesses and residents can support our mission with donations. Currently we are raising capital towards remodeling the park pavilion bathrooms. More details will be available after we receive an estimate on the project costs from the Parks Department.
Help Us Maintain the Park
Have you noticed something that needs taken care of in the park? Wether it’s a pathway light that has gone out, graffiti, or the need for additional trash pick up, please let us know thorugh this form and we will let the Humboldt Park Unit Coordinator know.