Tree Day
Tree Day Program, annual educational environmental program for Bay View area first grade students; hosted by Humboldt Park Friends and Milwaukee County Parks. The schools that participated this year are Trowbridge, Humboldt Park, Parkside and St. Lucas, approximately 200 students participated in Tree Day.
The program includes a nature hike through Humboldt Park, participating in a planting of a tree; leafing rubbing, story time and button making. Students are excited to watch the tree planting process. Milwaukee County Parks planted four hardwood trees this year; students not only watch the planting of the trees but also participate in the planting by “feeding” each tree with their names written on paper and tossed into the hole prior to planting.
In addition to the hands-on tree guide booklet, students receive an event bag of activity booklets that further encourage their understanding of trees and the natural environment. These booklets are donated by Humboldt Park Friends. HPF also receives materials support from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources/Forestry Division, WDNR/WEE Recycles, Department of Transportation and U.S. Forestry and Wisconsin Forestry. Teachers often incorporate these booklets into classroom curriculum.
The Tree Day program was implemented, developed and guided by Bay View community volunteers of Humboldt Park with the ongoing support of Milwaukee County Parks Department and the City of Milwaukee’s Urban Forestry; the program began in the year 2000; a conservative estimate of the number of participating students is 2,000.