Humboldt in Harmony

Resilient Park Resilient Community

Humboldt Park provides many health benefits and recreational opportunities for our community.

 The Humboldt Park Friends Group is committed to caring for this essential ecosystem.

We invite everyone in the community to join us in supporting the fostering of a more resilient park by helping us maintain, restore, and improve this vital treasure.

As a community member, we ask you to be a part of caring for our park.

How can you Help?

You can Participate in educational sessions this winter to learn about the tree maintenance, pollinator gardens in your own yards, management of water run-off, and more;

Attend our meetings at the pavilion at 7:00 pm, on the 1st Thursday of every month and be a part of our effort.
Bird walk on Earth Day. Photo: Dani Graf
Volunteer for our Educational Events, Native Plant and Pollinator Gardens Activities, Annual Spring Clean-Up, Fall Cattail Pull, Jazz At The Vine Nights, Tree Day, and more…

Project Goals

Native Plant and Pollinator Gardens

Lagoon Restoration and Native Shore Plantings

Lagoon Restoration and Native Shore Plantings

Educational Programming for Adults and Children