Speaker Series
Welcome to the “Humboldt in Harmony ” speaker series, dedicated to conserving our cherished parks, waterways, plants, trees, and wildlife. Sponsored by Humboldt Park Friends, this series brings passionate speakers, experts, and community members to explore the intricate connections between our natural environment and daily lives.
This series will emphasize the importance of preserving the diverse ecosystems that thrive in Humboldt Park and beyond. Each session will delve into topics ranging from sustainable practices to the role of community engagement in conservation efforts. Together, we can learn how to protect our natural resources for future generations while fostering a deeper appreciation for the beauty surrounding us.
Join us as we embark on this knowledge, inspiration, and action journey. Together, we can harmonize our efforts to ensure that our parks, waters, and wildlife continue to flourish.
Thank you for your interest and for your commitment to making a difference!
From Seed to Shade
Tuesday, November 12 · 6:30 – 8:00pm
at the Humboldt Park Pavillion
Come hear about the lifecycle of urban forestry. Experts from Johnson Nursery and local Forestry departments discuss the propagation of native trees, caring for growing giants, and managing our urban forest.
- Rob Dummert from Johnson Nursery will speak about trees from seed harvesting, hybridizing, grafting, and nursery methods used. Nursery growing methods and container options.
- City Forester Jason Cram will speak about tree planting depending on container or tree size and the maintenance of each in the urban environment.
- Consulting Arborist Dennis Fermenich would speak to early pruning and training of young trees and fill in whatever may not otherwise be covered.

Green Milwaukee: A History of Our Parks and Open Spaces.
Tuesday, January 14th · 6:30 – 8:00pm
at the Humboldt Park Pavillion
Milwaukee County is blessed with 15,000 acres of public green space – one of the largest holdings in urban America. It wasn’t always that way. John Gurda will chronicle the evolution of our stellar -and much endangered- park system from the days of tiny public squares and private beer gardens to the celebrated beauty spots and abundant challenges of the present.

From Rain to Resource
Tuesday, February 11th · 6:30 – 8:00pm
at the Humboldt Park Pavillion
Milwaukee is home to one of the greatest resources on earth: fresh water. But protecting the lake is about more than keeping the lake clean. Learn about the complex ecosystem of water management and how the design of our communities plays a critical role in the protection of Lake Michigan.

Master your Garden
Tuesday, March 11th · 6:30 – 8:00pm
at the Humboldt Park Pavillion
Southeast Wisconsin Master Gardeners will share tips on planning, growing, and maintaining a natural urban garden in your backyard. Learn how natives and local plants can become part of your yard, helping build curb appeal and a conversation starter.

Schlitz Audubon’s Raptor Ambassador Program
Tuesday, May 13th · 6pm
at the Humboldt Park Pavillion
Schlitz Audubon’s Raptor Ambassador Program brings you face-to-face with some of Bay View’s most iconic birds of prey. From the Bald Eagle to the Great Horned Owl, learn what makes each of these creatures a unique and important part of our ecosystem. Schlitz’s raptors, who are cared for in captivity because they cannot be released back into the wild, have amazing stories to tell and will leave an impression on people of all ages.