Our next Humboldt Park Hero is Jane LeCapitaine, a long-time Bay View resident and great friend of the park. Jane has been an active volunteer and supporter of the park and other local organizations for many years. Jane, a former Humboldt Park Friends board member, is a park champion who initiates, organizes and volunteers for many of the great things that happen in the park including the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Tree Day and the ongoing Lagoon Restoration Project.
On any given day, you can find Jane enjoying the natural beauty and wildlife with friends and family. Jane has made many friends through her years of volunteering and she is an important part of the park and the community. We asked Jane to share her story with us, and we want to thank her for her contribution to the park and honor her as a Humboldt Park Hero.
What is your first Humboldt Park memory?
Meeting Ruth Simos & working on my first, and what has now become an annual event in my life, the Easter egg hunt. From that event, I met Laureen Stirmel, Lurae Bower, Penny & John Manke, Kitty, Mary & Jancis… and so many wonderful Humboldt Park and community volunteers.
What motivates you to care for the park?
Humboldt Park is added value to our community; it greatly contributes to the Bay View quality of life, so of course I want to preserve and share the wonders of the park.
How long have you been involved with the park?
Not a 100% sure, but I think I became involved with the Humboldt Park Watch Group in 1999.
What are some of the things you do and have done for the park?
Active with the Humboldt Park Friends projects, programming and events, help with park clean ups; in the past helped with set up for Chill on the Hill.
What are your favorite things that you do to help the park?
I enjoy being in the park & being out of doors, so any of the items listed above.
What would you like to see happen for the park?
I would like visitors to respect the park and remember that others use the park so we all need to take better care of the park – no littering, pick up after yourself.
I would like visitors to respect the wildlife and leave what little wildlife there is in the park alone. Please don’t damage the trees and native plantings.
I would love to see the lagoon restoration plan implanted.
I would love to see more volunteers support and participate in the Humboldt Park Friends projects, events and programing.
How can others help you with your efforts?
Respect the park for what it is – a place of peace, quietness and recreation.
What other organizations are you a part of?
Past board member of Humboldt Park Friends; current serve the annual Easter egg hunt, the Tree Day program and the Lagoon Committees.
I am a tutor at Trowbridge School Great Lakes Study.
Member of the Bay View Historical Society.
I’m on the board of directors of the River Revitalization Foundation, an urban land trust and I serve on the Executive and Marketing Committees.
Anything else you would like to add?
When and if Milwaukee County offers a referendum for the maintenance of the Parks, please vote yes to support the referendum; our parks need maintenance, upgrades and preservation. Past Parks referendum efforts restricted the funding to the parks ONLY. The Public Policy Forum’s report on the condition of our parks is available on their website.