Our next Humboldt Park Hero is Laureen Stirmel, a long-time Bay View resident and great friend of the park. Laureen has been an active volunteer and supporter of the park for many years. Laureen is a Humboldt Park Friends board member and serves as the Treasurer.
Laureen is a park champion who initiates, organizes, and volunteers for many of the great things that happen in the park, including the Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Tree Day, and is also an essential part of the Communications committee. Even though Laureen has a very busy schedule, she always finds time to help make the park a better place for the community to enjoy.
Laureen is an integral part of the park and our community. We asked Laureen to share her story with us, and we want to thank her for her contribution to the park and honor her as a Humboldt Park Hero.
What is your first Humboldt Park memory
The first time I was at Humboldt Park was on the 4th of July when my brother’s band was in the talent show. They actually were surprisingly good. That was back in the late ’60s.
What motivates you to care for the park?
The many memories I have of being in the park with my daughter, Jillian, are what motivate me to care for the future of the park. My daughter and I went down the slide so often they had to replace it. I want other families to be able to have such memories.
How long have you been involved with the park?
One rainy night, Julie Zettel, said she had met a woman named Ruth Simos, and we should go to a Park Watch meeting so I could meet her. I cannot say how many years ago that was, but the group is now called Humboldt Park Friends, and I am the Treasurer.
What are some of the things you do and have done for the park?
Jane LeCapitaine, Dani Graf, and myself help organize the Tree Day Event and the Easter Egg Hunt. Those two ladies also motivate me to care about the park. I roped my husband, David, and my brothers-in-law, Greg and Russell, into being the set-up men and main Grill masters for the corn roast. I still owe them all for their services! This summer David and I watered some of the newly planted trees on a rotation plan. When the new trees are planted in the spring new volunteers are always needed to water the trees. I participate in the park cleanups and other events when my work schedule allows. We recently completed the Park Clean-up on April 23rd. This year the cleanup day included a bird walk at 8 am and a short presentation at 9 am to celebrate Frederick Law Olmsted. I have gutted out so many pumpkins for the Pumpkin Pavilion I no longer like pumpkin pie. Humboldt Park Friends just joined Inter-Org, and I am the representative for Humboldt Park Friends. I work the dinners at Immaculate Conception Church, and if I cannot, I send David to fill in for me.
What are your favorite things that you do to help the park?
Tree day with the first graders is always an enjoyable day. The first graders are amazed at what the park has to offer besides the playground. Trees are planted, and the students learn and have fun doing it. The county & forestry departments send wonderful employees to teach and engage the students. Every now and then, you will have some young adult tell you they remember their adventurous class trip to Humboldt Park for Tree day and which tree or trees were planted on that day.
What would you like to see happen in the park?
The park system is on an almost non-existent budget, so a budget increase definitely would be a welcome happening. This would enable more employees to be hired to help with maintenance, planting, and watering trees. Keeping everything maintained is a big job but a huge step in the right direction. The park staff that we do have under the coordination of Stephen Gallam deserves recognition for the great job that they do. Control of the invasive cattails and algae and cleaner water in the Lagoon would put smiles on many people’s faces, a very expensive endeavor.
How can others help you with your efforts?
It is only by getting involved that we can keep this beautiful slice of nature in our own backyard for future generations to appreciate. So join Humboldt Park Friends, help with Chill on the Hill, do a park cleanup, when you notice anyone defacing property or damaging trees, report it, on the 4th of July, judge an event. These are a few areas where a person could take their first step to volunteer. Volunteers make the World go round.