Humboldt Park provides refuge for people and nature and brings joy to so many residents and visitors. Taking care of our park and promoting its beauty has become the work of many Humboldt Park Heroes.
In an ongoing series of blog posts, we will be honoring and highlighting some of the people that give their time to maintain and promote the park and help protect the urban oasis that we all enjoy.
Our next Humboldt Park Hero is Myron Thomsen, a long-time Bay View resident and great friend of the park. On any given day, you can find Myron in the park picking up trash or volunteering for a variety of events. We asked Myron to share his story with us, and we want to thank him for his contribution to the park and honor him as a Humboldt Park Hero.
Humboldt Park Hero, Myron Thomsen
What is your first Humboldt Park memory? I think it was about 1967 when my future wife asked me to come down to see the American Legion Band play at the old Band Shell. As a college student looking for an inexpensive date, I agreed. We had so much fun we made it a yearly event for us.
What motivates you to care for the park? I think the park is a real gem for our neighborhood and I just want to do what I can to make it beautiful and keep it clean.
How long have you been involved with the park? I became involved when our children were old enough to march in the Memorial Day and 4th of July Parades. I met so many wonderful people who were involved in the park I wanted to join them so I became involved.
Some of the things you do include: everyday park clean up, watering the new tress with the boy scouts, being the Easter Bunny, running kids games for Boccifest, and more. Anything we missed? I really don’t clean up the Park every day, mostly three or four times a week. I also supply and man games at the Pumpkin Pavilion, help out with the 4th of July Celebrations, help clean up after Chill on the Hill, help out at the Park Run/Walks and help at Tree Day.
What are your favorite things that you do to help the park? I really like to help water the new trees as I was so sad when we lost so many trees in the last few years. I also like getting my exercise walking around picking up trash in the park making the Park look nicer for everyone.
What would you like to see happen for the park? I would like to see the lagoon upgraded and to get rid of the algae in it and making more places you can fish from with my grandchildren when they visit. I would also like to see those areas of the trails given new blacktop to make it easier to walk in the park.
How can others help you with your efforts? I think if everyone who comes to the park would just pick up a few pieces of trash that would help a lot.If everyone would just do a little it would help a lot. Also, volunteers are needed for several park events, such as the 4th of July Celebration, Easter Egg Hunt, and Tree Day.
What other organizations are you a part of? I am active in my church, Immaculate Conception Church in downtown Bay View as I like to describe it, where I serve as a trustee, usher, and serve on several committees. I help out at Pumpkin Pavilion. I assist the 4th of July Committee in planning and carrying out the best celebration in the county. As a member of BVNA, I help out at Chill on the Hill, help out at the Park Run/walks, and help out on Tree Day. I am active in Scouting in the area with the Troop at IC and a Troop of Special Needs Scouts and serve on the district committee. I serve on the Inter-Organization Council of Bay View helping to plan and carry out the Annual Bay View Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. I help out with the Bay View BASH.
Anything else you would like to add? I wish to thank everyone who selected me for this award. However, I really could not have done most of these things without the support of my wife of 53 years, Linda.