The History
A lagoon is an artificial lake excavated in 1893. The overflow from the lagoon created a small creek, over which rustic bridges were built. Also in 1893, a boathouse featuring a polygonal end bay with a conical roof was constructed on the south shore of the lagoon. Row boats were rented from there in the summer and ice skaters used it for shelter in the winter.
A new multi-story boathouse/pavilion was built in 1910 to replace the 1893 boathouse at the same time the lagoon was expanded. The first level contained a large, heated room used by ice skaters in winter. A concrete footbridge connected the boathouse/pavilion to an island created for picnickers. In summer, boats and canoes were tied to the dock. Row boats cost ten cents and canoes 15 centers per hour. See more lagoon pictures on our History Page.
The Plan
With 100 for Humboldt tree replacement and pavilion bathroom renovations completed, HPF is now focusing on the lagoon. This is a long-term, expensive, environmental community endeavor. HPF set up a Lagoon Committee to facilitate the project between HPF, the community and Milwaukee County Parks Department. HPF and the parks department are working together to identify needed resources and potential partners who can join us in this project.
Upcoming events –
- Cattail Removal & other invasives , Saturday, Sept, 23 from 9 a.m. to noon