Perfect: like glass
Excellent: may have pebbled surface
Very Good: cracks may be visible
Good: cracks large enough to catch skates
Fair: wide cracks or pits
Poor: skating possible but hazardous
Melt: skating not suggested due to melting surface
This ice report is updated when Humboldt Park Friends receives communication on ice condition from Milwaukee County Parks. Ice skaters should use information posted at the park lagoon for final safety status. Always stay off the lagoon when ice is too thin.

Hours of Operation
9am to 10pm
Check back for Ice conditions.

Ice Skating
Each winter the Humboldt Park lagoon offers residents a beautiful environment for ice skating. It is a traditional way to ice skate; outdoors on a real lagoon versus an indoor ice rink. When the rink is officially open, Ice skating is open all day until 10pm. Lights will stay on until 10pm.
Maintaining the surface and clearing snow is a big operation. The Humboldt Park Bay View Ice Skaters, a committee of Humboldt Park Friends, lead this effort. Humboldt Park Friends owns two commercial grade snow blowers to clear ice. When needed, the ice is flooded to smooth the surface. This is a volunteer effort. If you wish to contribute your time, use the form below.

Interested in helping prepare the ice?
We are looking for volunteers to help maintain the ice rink. Humboldt Park Friends owns 2 large snowblowers to help clear the snow. Complete the form below and our Ice Captain will contact you with more info.